Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Our Independence Day

We were feeling free and independent today at the family barbque. Everyone gathered to wish Robin a happy birthday and visit with her daughter, Shara, who was in town for the holiday.

It has been hot and muggy inside our house with high temperatures and the unusually humid weather we have experienced. Jeremy decided that the dogs needed an outing too. The entire family loaded into the van and began our journey. Anyone who witnesses us driving with the van full that we had today would just chuckle.

Jeremy drives while I sit in the back seat with Munchkin. Leo paces from the back of the van to the front passenger seat, yelping with glee from the very moment we exit the drive way. Lola is a bit more reserved and is content to chill in the back seat for the road trip.

We arrived at the barbque and were greeted by an abnormally obsessive pomeranian (abnormal for most pomeranians, not abnormal for this particular pomeranian). I suppose the diminutive dog was intimidated by Leo and Lola in her space. She dropped bombs on the big deal, we all handle fear in our own way. As we walked into the house the lab's followed , rushing through the back door as though there had just been a Britney Spears sighting. I'm surprised the door remains on it's hinges.

Leo was so excited to be out of the house, and to top that, we brought him to a barbque. Holy shit, it smells like cooking carcus! What, I ask you, could make a dog happier? He simply couldn't contain his joy and everything he was experiencing exuded from him in an undeniable manner.

Everything, infact, exuded from Leo in the living room by the front door of Bob and Shauna's home. Initially, somebody had blamed the poor pomeranian for the mis-hap until we realized that this mis-hap was the very size of the pomeranian's body. That was indeed a labrador sized shit.

Jeremy attended to the pile o' shit that Leo had placed ever so carefully for him. He took the mess into the bathroom to dispose of in the toilet. Jeremy flushed the toilet and only moments later returned to his family in the kitchen asking for a plunger.

Yes, infact, Leo layed such a monsterous sized shit that it clogged the plumbing in Bob and Shauna's bathroom. Ee-Gads! Plunger in hand, Jeremy cared for the situation and returned the bathroom to full functionality.
Thanks Jeremy, you're the best!

We proceeded to have a lovely time at the barbque following the poopastrophe.


~♥Bug-n-Bear♥~ said...

Ah, good times!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy is a good sport to clean the mess up. Good job