Thursday, July 13, 2006


It's no wonder that Munchkin loves chai tea, it's delicious. It is a bit concerning that he, no doubt, has an overwhelming addiction to it.

One week ago my parents took Munchkin and me to Starbucks for drinks. Munchkin was completely content until he saw my mom and sister walking towards us with fully loaded chai cups. He then threw both hands in the air in exactly their direction and sprung into a backward body arch as if he couldn't get out of my arms fast enough.

As I tried to restain him from crawling across the Starbucks toward the chai he totally lost it. He went nuts-o, screaming, in no uncertain terms, "give me the damn chai".

Being at a Starbucks located within a Barnes & Noble book store, we obliged his request to prevent angry on-lookers.

When faced with another chai today, he did not surprise us or let us down. We played "musical chai" moving the chai from place to place making him work for the delicious reward. He was willing to work as hard as we requested, the reward was well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Ah, a boy after my own heart. And what's wrong with sandwiches and backscratches? Seems to me that I gave out plenty when you all were little.