Saturday, September 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Lola

I was looking at Three Pecks on the Nose and saw a birthday blog for Fergus the pug. Realizing that Lola's birthday is the same day as Fergus' made me feel lousy. I totally forgot that it was Lo's birthday.

Lola is a spectacular dog and she is truly loved. She loves tummy rubs like no other dog I've ever seen. She is a die hard tennis ball chaser, even demonstrating roll-overs when she reaches the ball as a way of slowing her pace. It's beautiful to see her enjoying life so fully.
If only she could eat human food around the clock, I think that she would be totally satisfied.

Lola Bean, we are all so happy that you are a part of our family. You are our baby girl and we simply wouldn't be complete without you. Happy belated birthday (Sept. 17th). You are now three years old and you are gorgeous. I love your pink nose, now come here and give me a kiss.

I will take you for a run in the park as soon as the rumored "dog flu" passes. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lola!
Hugs... and BIG wet kisses! ;)

Anonymous said...

Quite a girl. She has a wonderful family to take good care of her.