Friday, June 09, 2006

A Shitty Morning

Nap time is no easy task, but it isn't usually this difficult. Munchkin has a routine for nap time that involves a blanket, a bottle, a ceiling fan and a light show of stars and moons. With these few, simple factors after about 15 minutes of light fussing he is asleep. Today, however, 15 minutes had gone by and his fussing was escalating. I went into the nursery to hold him and possibly rock him to sleep.

When I walked into the nursery I was hit in the face with the most wretched stench of human excretory waste. I looked at Munchkin who had just gotten out of the tub not ten minutes before I put him in his crib. It was obvious that he was going right back into the tub and PRONTO!

There he was, teary eyed and shitty! He had taken off his diaper and relieved himself in his crib. Then he proceded to play with this odd smelling goo that he had just created. He had smeared it all over the sheets and the railings of his crib. His hands, feet, arms and legs were all covered in shit.

I picked him up, but was not about to snuggle him or rock him to sleep as I had originally planned. I held him from my body as far as my arms would reach. I disassembled his crib while he layed on his changing table and created a big, smelly basket of laundry. I disinfected the entire crib with rubbing alcohol because he rubbed poo all over the biting bar that runs along the top of the railings. Good God! What a mess.

Needless to say, bath number two for the morning came soon after the crib disinfection.

I know that he doesn't like the thought of taking naps, but it never occured to me that he would out-smart me at my own game. If I say "take a nap" sooner or later he will take his nap. I guess today he thought "if I cover my crib in shit, there is no way she will make me sleep in it". As it turns out, he was right.


~♥Bug-n-Bear♥~ said...

Welcome to true mommy-hood Taylor. We've been down this road many times. If someone had warned you about this part of being a Mommy, would you still have chosen to have a baby? Let's just say, he's lucky you love him!

Anonymous said...

Funny story sis. This one had me laughing all the way through. Sounds like he keeps you on your toes. This will be the story you tell to all his friends when he is older. Ha Ha. Love Emily