Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Bliss

Munchkin celebrated his first Easter today. He woke up this morning to a giant, plush bunny that he seemed to enjoy. Later, we went to an easter-egg hunt at Aunt Robin and Uncle Bryan's home. Munchkin was completely happy playing with brightly colored noise makers he found in the lawn. Each plastic egg had been loaded with candy and coins, sure to please any child looking for instant satisfaction. He shook each egg creating his own sort of musical instrument. We then went to Grandma and Grandpa's home for lunch. Grandma had also prepared an easter-egg hunt in her back yard. She woke up early this morning and dyed hard-boiled eggs, then hid them on her garden knomes and between daffodils. Munchkin was delighted to find colorful treasures that he could add to his easter-basket.


Anonymous said...

The pugs loved the easter egg hunt, too. They ate/destroyed three hard boiled eggs before the babies could find theirs. Paddy carried a bright blue egg from its hiding place to the middle of the lawn and pawed it into many pieces. Murphy joined in and soon only egg shells remained. Smart pups! Next year for the babies will be even more FUN.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny when kids discover that there is something inside the brightly colored easter eggs. Then a whole new world opens up!