Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Season and Series Premier

A new season of the Soprano's started this week. It was packed full of fat, greasy violence as well as love and humor. It was absolutely everything I had hoped for. The bulk of the episode contained Tony and Carmella being nice to each other and getting along then buying a new, expensive car. One of Tony's side-kicks inherited a couple mill. and wanted to be released from his vow to the life of organized crime, but Tony said no. That man hung himself in the basement of his home shortly there after. Tony's Uncle Junior had a fit of alzheimers and shot Tony, mistaking him for someone from his past. The episode ended and left my hangin'. Is Tony dead?

I give this episode of the Soprano's a rating of: 1 munchkin knee, 4 munchkin toes and a couple of strands of munchkin hair.

A new series called Big Love started upon the completion of the Soprano's. Bill Paxton plays the husband and father of a polygamist family. He lives in Sandy, Utah with his three wives, and about 10 kids (give or take). It has many Mormon refrences which has fellow Utah'ns of mine in a twitter. The show lives up to its HBO reputation by including a few racy sex scenes, which would make my mother very uncomfortable. It was fun while watching the show to point out landmarks I recognized in the back ground. I saw the strip-mall across the street from my vet's office, the Wasatch Front was featured and the Salt Lake Temple was seen too. WOW, here we go Utah! Making it big in the eyes of the world, one polygamist family at a time.

I give this episode of Big Love the rating of: 1 munchkin nail clipping and 1 munchkin giggle.


Anonymous said...

You need to explain your movie rating system. I'm stuck trying to figure it out. And as for "Big Love" I find the whole idea distasteful. Can't we just keep our dirty little secrets to ourselves.