Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ice Cream, You Scream!

Sarah was in love with this ice cream. She was happy and content and seemed to have not a care in the world. Then she found that the ice cream was gone and all hell broke loose.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sarah and the Tulip

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Mama and Dada's Fantastic Vacation

This vacation was full of fun times and we brought home the most remarkable memories. I can't wait to do it again. Thanks to my beautiful family for making me so happy. I love each and every one of you so completely!

Sarah's Super Vacation

Sarah experienced a lot of fun, new things on our vacation. She flew on an airplane, went to DisneyLand, SanDiego Zoo, SeaWorld, and the beach. She was happy and fun-spirited the whole time. What an amazing baby!

Ryan's Amazing Vacation

Ryan had a wonderful time visiting DisneyLand, SanDiego Zoo, SeaWorld, and the beaches of southern California. Ryan really deserved this vacation due to his busy year of pre-school and becoming a big brother. He is such a great kid and his family loves him so much.